Monday, June 4, 2012

The Role of the Press

After reading another article out of Encyclopedia Britannica I further proved how the press is much different around the world.  In the United States people can publish just about anything as long as we are not in a military crisis.  Soon problems come up.  Monopolies can be formed and the so called "free press" is free but controlled by the monopolies.  In China things are a bit different.  They have complete freedom of press except for the fact that the government filters what will be published for citizens to few but technically it is free...kind of.  Staying in China, the government there is big on the censorship especially with the rising amount of the internet users there.  In past years they actually had Google censored but soon Google basically said screw it and unblocked all the censorship programs.  Let's just say the Chinese government wasn't happy.     

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